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Some Testimonials From Clients

who had amazing understandings and transformations during these programs:

The coaching journey with Danielle Sax made a huge difference in my life. I used to feel overwhelmed by my schedule and endless tasks, but Danielle taught me to take control. Her guidance helped me find peace and self-confidence, and to focus on my own needs and goals.

Emphasizing self-leadership and self-management was crucial. Danielle's seven-step method and RTT recordings are powerful tools that keep me focused and making conscious choices. Her practical tips for improving daily routines, like incorporating physical activities and reflection moments, have enriched both my professional and personal life.

I highly recommend investing in yourself with Danielle’s coaching. Her effective and inspiring approach leads to lasting changes. Thank you, Danielle, for helping me rediscover my strength and peace.

Hanna C

Choosing Danielle Sax as my coach was one of the best decisions I've made. Her authenticity, purity, and honesty drew me in. Danielle's sincere approach, without any façade, is rare and truly inspiring. She genuinely cares about helping others become the best versions of themselves.

Working with Danielle has been transformative. I came to her wanting to peel away the layers that kept me from my true self. Danielle helped me take responsibility for my life and decisions. Her metaphor of being at the wheel resonated deeply, empowering me to stop blaming others and take control of my path. Celebrating small victories, which I used to overlook, has also become a valuable lesson.

Danielle's authenticity and vulnerability set the foundation for our work together. Her willingness to share her own journey made it easier for me to accept my challenges. If someone asked about working with Danielle, I would share my profound experiences and the deep impact she has had on my life.

Danielle Sax is more than a coach; she is a guide who helps you discover your true self and supports you in becoming who you are meant to be. Her genuine care, experience, and authenticity make her an exceptional coach. I am deeply grateful for the growth and transformation I've experienced through working with her.

Sophie VG

Before starting the program with Danielle, I struggled with people-pleasing, lack of self-care, and self-love. I was living too much from my head and not enough from my heart. This behavior had a destructive impact on my life; I often felt frustrated and exhausted from always taking care of others and neglecting myself.

I chose the four-month VIP program with Danielle because of the combination of coaching and RTT. This was incredibly valuable. The coaching sessions brought me peace, understanding, and a good feeling. They helped me develop more self-care and self-love, enabling me to live more positively and positively influence those around me.

Thanks to Danielle, I am now better able to take control of my life. I respond differently to challenges and pass on more to my children. The program has made me calmer, freer, and more connected with myself.

Danielle's patience, understanding, and empathy are admirable. She takes her time with you, providing comfort and a sense of deep connection. The VIP program with Danielle was a valuable investment in myself, improving not only my life but also the lives of those around me. I am grateful for everything she has done for me and highly recommend her programs to anyone considering them. It is a beautiful gift for yourself and your environment.

Inge VDS

Hey Danielle,

When I heard you speak for the first time about how the unconscious mind drives a large portion of a person's behaviour, my previous beliefs were instantly confirmed. I often find myself procrastinating or self-sabotaging because I feel like I don't deserve good things, and sometimes I doubt my ability to make decisions.

These thoughts brought anxiety and a lot of doubt. I was intrigued if you could help me discover what I felt was holding me back. So, I took the plunge.

The RTT session was intense and emotional, but I promised to let it all out and trust you to guide me. The connections made during the sessions were crystal clear, and it was the first sign of clarity about what was holding me back and why. I needed to know the root and now knowing it has altered my perceptions and actions.

The day afterwards, I have never felt such a weight lift off my shoulders. I usually do not believe in rapid transformations. Still, the knowledge that arose during the session allowed me to transform rapidly by dropping this 50kg backpack of" the feeling of not knowing". I felt lighter and at ease, which allowed me to focus on the things that mattered to me and to do something that felt good to me without overthinking.

Overall, I feel "lighter" and less anxious, with a focus on going forward step by step.

Bram H

I had been struggling for a long while with my mental health. As with most, my anxiety was up and down, significantly affecting my depressive moods. I am a single Mum trying to build my own business. I did not appreciate proper self-care until it was pointed out that depression was ruling my life. I felt low, my motivation had left me, and anything I did took a colossal effort which I did not have. My lovely business coach then sent me Danielle’s book, “Shifting out of Chronic stress”, as a gift. So began my journey of healing and learning.

Reading the book, I recognized a lot of myself in Danielle’s story. I could relate to and understand what she so wonderfully wrote; however, this did not stop me from diving lower into a depression, so I contacted Danielle with a plea for help.

Since then, I have done several sessions (one of them an RTT session) with Danielle, who has taught me about self-care and self-love. I now feel entirely different from how I started this year.

My confidence and productivity have grown, and my low moods are in check. Life-changing is an understatement for my experience with Danielle. I highly recommend her to friends, family, and anyone reading my testimonial.

Sian M, UK, Dogtrainer

Only a few months ago, I was feeling exceptionally down. I was recovering from illness, and my self-confidence was at rock bottom. I was severely depressed and plagued with anxiety, self-loathing, and a lack of gratitude.

Looking back, I didn’t smile…at all. I then met with Danielle Sax. Danielle has taken me on a personal development journey I could never have anticipated. She has helped me understand why I was in such a negative place, guided me, and helped me develop the foundations of “conscious self-care.”

The journey is challenging and sometimes uncomfortable, but without hesitation, it is by far the most rewarding journey I have ever taken. I will continue on this path.

Danielle has helped me to smile again, and for that, with all my being, I am forever thankful.

Jane L, Business Owner

Dear Danielle,

Pre RTT: I was really down on everything; energy, life's circumstances, what I was doing and thinking. Everything was hard, and I was in survival mode on automatic pilot to keep going; everything felt like a battle, and I felt blocked.

Post RTT: I've noticed that I'm more energized, calmer, and less stressed about my job and personal life. I'm more accepting of myself and confident that I'll succeed. I am more sensitive to the negativity I can sense/feel among coworkers, the chatting, griping, and gossiping. It is not suitable for me or serves me. I care less about what people might think or say about me and stopped (not wholly) comparing myself to others.

I feel more energy, willpower, and willingness to explore new things, learn new things, and embrace a new challenge/adventure!

Thank you so much for this RTT experience

D Gillissen

I've learned much about myself and my circumstances since I met Danielle.

I understand that I was empty and depleted because I lived for the outside world. Living from the inside out and taking responsibility for myself will remain deep insights and life lessons.

The way I perceive things is entirely different, as I do not take them personally anymore. Even my resignation is ok, as I can give it its place.

I focus so much better on the things that serve me. My guilt is less, and I stand up for myself when I want to. This is all thanks to your coaching and mentoring,

Danielle. Thank you!

Tineke VB

I was able to stand more in my genuine success as a result of working with Danielle, and I can and dare support my business.

My company was functioning well previously, but the change after Danielle's 4-month process is apparent.

I'm fully committed to sharing my vision and believe in it now. Meanwhile, I also know it is my right (/ duty) to share it with the world. I can have that big vision now, and nothing is wrong with that.

Through great follow-up and continuous challenge, a solid foundation has been laid on which I can continue to build.

Professionally, but also personally, I've grown as a result of this. Thank you, Danielle

Stijn H, entrepreneur

When I first contacted Danielle, I felt very lost. I felt like I had lost myself, overwhelmed with guilt over my actions.

What she taught me is that every moment counts. Every thought, every word you utter. In every moment lies the choice to be truthful towards yourself and others. That’s the basics, ground, and way to your heart. And thus to that of someone else.

This is how I found myself again. I have also come to understand my sensitivity better.

Every day, giving me the necessary care is still challenging. But I have become aware of it and make adjustments before I lose myself again.

I feel much more at peace with the now, believe in my strength, and feel it flowing through my body. I find much more joy in my life because I see that I am my helmsman. That insight brings acceptance and makes me want to take responsibility for my life in all areas.

Thank you, Danielle

Charlotte VDM

You know that sometimes a book catches your eye… and it turns out to be the right thing at the right time. I read a book from Dr J. Borms about Danielle's hypnotherapy.

While it was unclear what RTT was, the words in the book seemed to call out to me and scream: 'This is what I need!'

After contacting Danielle, like everyone else who has written here, I ended up in THE chair with Danielle. And I can sum it up in one sentence: there is a BEFORE and an AFTER, Danielle.

There are many parenting books you may read, but no one can possibly know what it's like to be a mother. That's how the RTT  session felt to me. Be aware of the mythical atmosphere associated with hypnosis. It is simply a blissful, deep, deep relaxation. And deep I've been.

My issue has been turned inside out, tackled, and followed up on… I felt reborn.

Thank you very much, Danielle!

Marijke V

Danielle helped me to make a severe breakthrough in my happiness.

Her coaching and the RTT session helped me see certain parts of my life from a different perspective. I did a lot of work on myself to believe in my capacities and got confident that love was available for me.

During our four-month journey together, I learned to speak more affirmatively to myself, which greatly helped me in my work and private life.

Thanks to the methods she taught me, I’m now more independent, and I met the love of my life. Life is so good when one opens up and lets the universe take care of the rest. Let it flow, and all come to the right place at the right time.

Danielle wrote an excellent book about her method. Still, her coaching makes absolutely the difference to your total experience of authentic success.

Thank you, Danielle. You made an actual difference in my life. It was worth the investment.

Lili B

Danielle’s tools and teachings have inspired me and transformed me to stay close to myself and to sense what I need, moment by moment, event by event.

Each time stand in my expressive, authentic power and embrace the best version of myself.

Thank you, Danielle

Pascale C

Thank you, Danielle, for the past few months, your program and intense guidance, and the present.

But most of all, for helping me be myself again.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything.

Jolien R

It has been more than 4 years now since I joined your program. The journey was intense, but I really enjoyed it.

I have learned so much from you and apply many strategies and tools still today to return to basics and stay close to myself.

Thank you so much for giving back meaning to my life, genuinely appreciate it.

Sarah J

RTT has proven to be the single most powerful tool on my self-development journey. It confronts you with crucial moments that changed your life and are not necessary for the better. It allows you to address these life-altering circumstances head-on, deal with them, go through them, and let them go. It is not always simple, but it is a requirement for anyone who wishes to have an upward trajectory in life.

To be honest, RTT is a very personal form of therapy, a soul-bearing experience, but never did I feel vulnerable or exposed. I contribute to Danielle, whose integrity is equalled only by her excellence in her craft, her deliverance of the therapy, and the vital and necessary support given during and after the sessions.

Thank you, Danielle, for helping me change my life.

Johann I

Danielle has taught me that I have all the leadership skills I need to be the leader and entrepreneur I have always wanted to be.

My performance has improved indeed but in a very different way. My life has changed entirely because I now listen to my limits, feelings, and needs.

I have stopped trying to please everyone and do my best from a place of self-worth and self-love. With all the tools and insights, I have learned to put myself first and be my best friend, which was not easy initially.

Her conscious self-care methods have saved my life. I have become a different husband, father, and man because of my self-awareness and ongoing development with her guidance.

I never thought I would find my balance and fulfilment again, but I did. I have strategies for the rest of my life to cope with whatever comes along.

Tom H, Business Owner

I have known about the RTT method already for several years. Yet, I have never encountered an RTT practitioner whom I trusted and felt safe enough to let myself be put under hypnosis.

The years passed. I was taking other therapies, but I was still attracted to RTT. Primarily because of its ‘rapid’ results. When I realized Danielle is an RTT therapist, I knew I had found MY therapist. I wasn’t mistaken.

Danielle takes time when she speaks with you. She is devoted and dedicated to getting you the best out of the session and the whole RTT 28-day-long trajectory. I felt safe, heard, seen, and supported during every trajectory step. And I got the results I wanted: the rapid transformation of my inner state, which I had been struggling to change already for years.

I highly recommend working with Danielle and RTT.

Thank you, Danielle!

Tamara R

With Danielle, you come home. During a session, no subject is taboo. Layer by layer, she gets to the essence of your issues, in which you always play the leading role, where you are the star.

The idea of living in complete balance, enjoying everything your authentic self has to offer, may seem far away, but it's not. You will notice. Unrest and stress dominated my life until I started living from the inside out. Conflicts still challenge me, but I enjoy tackling them consciously. They confirm to me how strong and good-natured I am.

My life as a mom, wife, friend, entrepreneur, author, and colleague is fuller... The best version of myself is taking the lead. That feels liberating. Yes, it does! Peace of mind is what I wanted, and peace of mind I got.

Thank you, Danielle!

Elke L

I met Danielle online and contacted her personally.

Immediately , I felt that this could help me to solve my issues. As Danielle suggested, I signed in for an RTT experience and am totally satisfied, with no regrets whatsoever.

While suppressing all my true feelings and beliefs for so long, I finally understood where my issues come from, and I now have dealt with them and shifted them.

I recommend Danielle to anyone who needs help, particularly if they are currently going to psychotherapy, as this is different.

Thank you, Danielle, for the significant shift and progress that I was able to make

H.A., Hairdresser

Dear Danielle,

Thank you so much for your help with solving my physical issues related to impactful events in my childhood.

I recommend Danielle as an RTT therapist because Danielle made me feel very comfortable and showed a sincere interest in me and my issue.

Danielle helped me step by step understand the root cause of my issue. She tailored the Unlimited You program to my exact needs. Danielle was super patient, and by asking the right questions, I got immense clarity on how those experiences impacted me, even today.

Now that I have this clarity and the right tools, I can change my life and stop having those physical issues.

Guan F

I am so grateful for your book and your teachings.

You will help many more people realise that they can take their life into their own hands. That we are responsible for ourselves and our body and mind.

Surely this will encourage people to retake the lead in their life!

Natasha P

Dear Danielle,

You don't know how much your spontaneity, commitment and professionalism helped my self-awareness and authenticity.

You create a fantastic trustful atmosphere, allowing me to dive deep within and build up from the core. Sometimes so confronting but so life-altering!

Thank you

Tine VM, Pharmacist

Dear Danielle,

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your excellent cooperation, the doors you opened for me, and the inner peace I found within myself. And, of course, for the positive flow that you radiate!


I started reading your book late last night and couldn’t put it down! When I got to the end of step 3, it was so clear to me and relatable I couldn’t help myself…it’s as though you have an insight into my past, present, and future.

I don’t feel so alone now and such the victim I’ve been feeling like for years!!

Last night was a lightbulb moment, and today is the first day of my life. I know it’s not going to be a walk in the park, but with focus, I deserve a better way to live my life, and I know that I can do this.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sue R, Publisher

For me, Danielle's talk was the spark that lit the fire. I realized that it wasn't my physical limitations holding me back from achieving my triathlon goals but rather my mindset.

It's like a whole new world has opened up for me. I am still only at the very beginning of my success journey.

Still, I can see a clear path ahead of me and am convinced that with hard work and the right mindset, I can achieve anything I want!

Jocelin L

Dear Danielle,

Thank you so much for our RTT program together. It was a true eye-opener for me. I thought I knew myself, knowing what was driving my behaviour.

But actually, I didn’t. And that is what you helped me to discover. How beautiful it is to know that the answer lies within myself. It is so encouraging that everything can be solved as long as one knows where to look. And Danielle, you knew where to look! You gave me the answers that I needed through your therapy.

Thank you so much. I highly recommend you!

Els B

Danielle is passionate about her work and gives a clear view of things clouded by everyday life. Thanks to my journey with her, I can now objectively deal with everything that happens in my life.

I often worried about unnecessary things and had a pervasive feeling that I had to constantly perform. Something no one can live up to. This inevitably resulted in many dark and difficult periods. I had a weight on my shoulders, ongoing stress that I didn't know the cause of. By addressing the deep stuff in my (conscious and subconscious) mind with Danielle, I now have a much better understanding of myself. I see more clearly why I have certain opinions and why they do not help me in life. I have learned to be softer with myself and take care of that little child still inside me.

It remains a process, but thanks to Danielle, I have found the strength and understanding to overcome difficult times. I learned that I can choose to take care of myself and that what I say to myself daily makes a difference.

I have felt remarkably lighter since our sessions. I can handle situations better and let things be for what they are. I dare to take time for myself without feeling guilty. I still regularly listen to my recording, which sharpens my view of the world again and again. Talking to Danielle and investing in myself was an important step. This will give me different results, in life and business, for the rest of my life.

Thank you, Danielle!

Dave B, entrepreneur

I previously followed coaching with Danielle, which offered me life-changing insights.

RTT, however, brought me into contact with a deeper, unconscious layer of my personality and made me stop and think about my limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns. With Daniëlle, I learned to see, feel and experience where these beliefs were rooted and transformed them into constructive thoughts and tips for self-care at the highest level.

RTT freed me from a heavy backpack of negative assumptions about myself and taught me to look at 'reality'.

I am worthy of embracing and liking myself, with all my positives and negatives. Giving myself the care, peace, and affirmation I previously sought from others.

Danielle is the perfect facilitator with her years of experience in self-care and self-love.

Thank you for this engaging and valuable step of personal growth!

Barbara C

Growing up, I was a scared girl, and I withdrew. I was stuck in a labyrinth. A complicated maze of oppressive emotions and insecurities. In this labyrinth, I bumped into doors and walls and didn't dare to open them because confrontations made me anxious.

Was I worth it? Could the world see me for who I was? The uncertainties piled up and continued to affect my relationships with others. After my last relationship, I got in touch with Danielle. She taught me to love myself, open doors, and develop myself. Walls were torn down, and locks opened. My constricting cocoon has come off. I could breathe again...

Danielle showed me where the annoying ballast was. I emptied my backpack to continue my way with an illuminated feeling. Her exercises and positive perception gave me a different view of the world but, above all, who "I" am. I can love myself back. Gradually I begin to see and experience the world "differently". My mood board with clear goals and inner wishes brings peace. The belief in who I am and what I am grows daily.

My loved ones have taken notice of the changes I've gone through. I'm getting more respect. Life is an adventure. An obstacle or closed door is no longer a tricky obstacle. I'm not panicking anymore. I'll turn around and find a better way through.

Danielle taught me to have faith in the cosmos. The Universe takes care of us endlessly. I'm worth it! Thank you, Danielle.

Sabine VD; entrepreneur

Thank you so much, Danielle. I felt renewed after hearing your talk! It has had a powerful impact on my life now.

I go through the stage of always wanting to please everyone and thinking I’m not enough. Your words opened my eyes to a lot of things.

And now, I constantly repeat to myself that I am good enough. Once again, thank you for making me love and respect myself again.

Sally S

There’s no secret sauce for conscious self-care and managing your stress. To make a difference, you must have the right mentality, unique insights that anybody can grasp, and a concrete set of behaviours.

What is unique is Danielle’s program, which helps you attain and cultivate these skills. That, together with her ever-trusting guidance, will make the impossible possible. For that, I’m forever grateful.

Jef P. - Award winning journalist

Gratitude is the word that comes up when I reflect on these last few months.

You helped me to stop unhealthy habits. I finally found calmness in my head and inner peace in me.

Gratitude for the mirror you presented me. The golden tips you gave me brought me closer to my core and built my inner strength.

I am true to myself, take action, and thrive in every area of my life.

Hilde S, Author and Children Coach

Investing in myself and your guidance was an amazing decision and experience.

I am so proud of myself. All is well in my world.

Thank you for your immense support, useful tips and true concern!

Françoise B

I appreciate your Sunday Vitamines (weekly emails) and guidance! You are a fantastic coach!

For the first time in my life, I dare to put myself first and enjoy my conscious self-care!

Thank you!

Sally W, Entrepreneur

Your book was one of the main factors that helped me in deciding to stop everything for a month to make some space for myself 🙂

You are so inspiring, Danielle. Keep it up. Lots of love your way!

Isabelle G

For many years, I've believed that I wasn't good enough and had to achieve more than ever. Because of this, my self-esteem was severely damaged, and I lived in a constant state of worry.

Through the "Unlimited You" program, I learned how I felt about things as a youngster. I'd spent years living with preconceived beliefs that had kept me back for decades, and I'd experienced issues that made daily life difficult.

I have modified this through therapy and the whole process with Danielle.

From now on, I will live with much more confidence in myself, radiating this too. I am currently a different person, a stronger person, someone who likes himself. It has liberated my mind and thoughts. It has given me inner peace and relief, letting the past go. From now on, I can continue with myself and my new me.

I highly recommend it if you really want to change something. This therapy is fast and remarkably efficient. Thank you, Danielle, for your intense guidance and ongoing support!

Davy DC

Before coming to Danielle, I was disoriented and operating on auto-pilot. I had lost myself and lived for the outside world. It was time to act before my health and well-being deteriorated further.

Once I began working with Danielle, the knowledge that I had high sensitivity made me feel lighter and less stressed. I knew the work was on me, but I felt supported and understood. I've sobbed and been given space and compassion for my past trauma and difficulties in these sessions. My negativity started to fade away, but a huge change occurred in my thought process and self-awareness.

My positive attitude and mindset greatly influence my daughters, which is such a nice feeling. I've stopped making judgments about people and things, and it's helped me sleep better. I have so much more inner peace and less chaos in my head.

My relationship with my partner has improved since I have become more self-reliant and autonomous. I want to keep discovering who I am and what I desire in life, as well as positively influencing others without sacrificing myself or thinking that conscious self-care and self-love are selfish!

Thank you, Danielle, for your guidance and help. You have brought me back to life and given me confidence in my "being". Looking forward to the rest of my journey!

Sarah J, Social Worker

My life was a mess when I started Danielle’s 6 month VIP program.

Danielle’s coaching helped me realize that my lack of self-worth and high sensitivity made me live for the outside world, always trying to please everybody but myself.

With her guidance, I learned to pay attention to my feelings and needs and take action. Now I’m starting to take responsibility for myself.

I feel liberated from negativity, self-criticism, guilt, and feeling like a victim.

My life today is entirely different from the one I used to. Now, I feel great and am happy!

Though my work is never done, I am armed with the knowledge and tools to take on whatever comes my way. By going within and following my gut, I can confidently move forward.

If I need further coaching, I’ll definitely return to Danielle for her professionalism, enthusiasm, and kindness.

Thank you, Danielle, from the bottom of my heart.

Betty D

Before my RTT session, I had an uneasy feeling every day. This is now a lot less.

My sleeping has improved.

The feelings of anxiety I had when thinking about my father have disappeared. Just as if he does not exist for me anymore.

When my mother gives me a bad feeling, I imaginatively cut the energetic lines between us. And I'm thinking, Mother, keep your negative energy to yourself.

I dare to express my opinion more.

Ines H

Dear Danielle, you have helped me a long way.

I had doubts for a very long time, and deep inside, I had the answers, but I received from you the confirmation and strength that was needed to make decisions. I feel freer than ever, liberated from the urge to please constantly.

I finally dare to say "no" without feeling bad about it.

I can recommend you to everyone!

Kathy V

Danielle made me return to my childhood and puberty via RTT. I went into my subconscious as I forgot some of it and remembered other events so well. I was astonished by the impact these still have on my thinking and behaviour today.

It was my hardness toward myself and others that had a profound effect on me. Day by day, I am taking steps toward mildness and love for myself. The visualization of the white snow feathers reminds me to slow down, be grateful and be accessible.

Thank you, Danielle

Karen M

It isn't easy to put these last 6 months together into words, but the most beautiful result for me is the inner peace I have found in myself.

Also, my thoughts that I can consciously have much better control over… the positive comments I get from my surroundings on who I have become…

A much more intense relationship with my son while he understands better my feelings and needs.

I still have work to do to keep my breathing under control. At the same time, in a stressful situation, I feel the difference every day.

One thing is sure: I have done playing the victim! I am accountable, grounded in who I am and what I stand for, and looking confident toward the future. This investment in myself has been more than worth it and will be ongoing.

Thank you, Danielle, for your exceptional guidance. Apart from becoming a mother, this has been one of the most beautiful experiences in my life, and I find you a fantastic person and mentor.

With my whole heart

Ilse B, Nurse

I feel liberated, lighter, and more beautiful.

Thanks to RTT, I learn to connect with my deepest self. After utilizing this powerful technique and coaching from Danielle, I changed my mindset towards prioritizing my needs, resulting in a stronger sense of self-worth.

Now I can clearly see when and where my limiting beliefs around myself and my body were impregnated, which creates tremendous freedom.

After achieving such a tremendous outcome in so little time, I consciously embrace my brilliant transformation.

I am so glad I made this investment in myself and so grateful to have worked with you.

Lieve L

I approached Danielle to seek help with my anxiety disorders, which included fear of swallowing, claustrophobia, and fear of being alone. Following an intake session, we agreed that a 28-day program focused on one issue, swallowing anxiety, would be appropriate for me.

To prepare for the RTT session, I described to Danielle what my life would be like if I no longer had these fears. During the RTT session, I actively engaged with my subconscious mind and discovered childhood memories and images that had led to my fears. I participated in exercises that helped to heal and address the underlying issues. An important realization for me was that I am no longer as helpless, powerless, and dependent as I was when I was a child. As an adult woman, I can handle unexpected events much better than I could as a child, which has empowered me and allowed me to become more outgoing.

After the session, Danielle provided me with a tape recording that replaced my old beliefs with new, positive ones, which helped the session sink in even more.

Overall, I am thrilled with my progress during this session with Danielle. However, I need additional sessions to fully resolve my primary issue, the anxiety disorder, as it has not yet been fully resolved. Throughout the entire process, I experienced Danielle as an involved and caring coach. She approached coaching with great enthusiasm and commitment on her part.

Jacqueline S

I contacted Danielle after meeting her online, and I immediately felt she could help me solve my issues. Following her recommendation, I signed up for an RTT experience and am completely satisfied with the results.

I have no regrets whatsoever. After suppressing my true feelings and beliefs for a long time, I finally understood the root of my issues through the RTT session. I was able to deal with and shift them effectively.

I highly recommend Danielle to anyone who needs help, especially if they are currently undergoing psychotherapy, as this is a different approach.

Thank you, Danielle, for the significant shift and progress that I was able to make.

H.A, Hairdresser

This trajectory has helped me overcome my belief that I must fight my way through life, resulting in less suffering. I have become more accepting of what is, and I am definitely more present. I learned to stand in my own strength and accept myself rather than waiting for validation from others.

This newfound sense of freedom has allowed me to regain my confidence and feel more empowered to distance myself from negative influences in my life.

It is beautiful to see how the transformation of my inner world is reflected in the outer world's response.

I highly recommend this trajectory to anyone seeking to make positive changes in their life.

Raquel vlP

I can be myself, thanks to Danielle, without feeling the need to apologize to anyone. Before meeting Danielle, I was overwhelmed with resentment and frustration towards the people closest to me, resulting in losing contact with my family, career problems, and relationship issues.

By helping me identify my issues and starting the VIP 28-day program, I am gradually improving my ability to define who I am and set boundaries. The result? I no longer feel frustrated with the past, my family relationships have improved, and I have a more positive outlook on the future. It's still a long journey, but I look forward to future progress.

In other words, Danielle Sax has changed my life for the better. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking positive change in their lives.

Koen V

From our very first online conversation, Danielle brought me to the essence.

We discussed a fight-flight reaction that I was stuck in, but I couldn't see it. Danielle gave me eyes to look at it honestly and with a fresh perspective.

During the hypnotherapy session, we went back to my childhood and broke a pattern at that moment in time. I also connected with the deepest parts of myself, including my pure soul and ego.

I am grateful to now understand what triggers me and why. The transformation was significant, and I am eager to see its effects unfold in the coming weeks, months, and years. I can now set my boundaries much more easily and smoothly.

Thank you.

Charlotte DB.

Danielle's coaching provided me with new insights step by step, allowing me to learn where there is room for improvement and then work on it together.

She offers various practical tips and is a very pleasant and warm person with whom you quickly feel comfortable being yourself. I learned more about myself through the RTT session and now have more self-confidence.

Since her guidance, I am on the right track and have noticed a significant difference in how I deal with my stress. I seek out my authentic self more often. Her book is also very inspiring, and I refer to it regularly.

Thank you, Danielle, for this valuable guidance.

Ellen R.

Thank you for your valuable support and guidance over the past few months!

I have seen how old patterns were in my way of further growth and now feel that I am living from these new insights.

Today, as I review my journal, I see that I am well on my way to unravelling who I truly am, living from the inside out, embracing authenticity, and saying "yes" to myself. I have learned to make more conscious choices with kindness and self-care. With "being at the steering wheel," I have learned to take responsibility for my life, to be honest with myself, and to look at the needs that exist within me, just as I experienced with you: "Letting go of the fear of judgment," and valuing my right to exist.

Thank you for the support that comes from the heart! 

Kristin B.

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